Portland, Or - Services Offered - Legal

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Posted: Wed Dec 30th 2020

Hall Law Criminal Defense Firm

If you’ve been charged with a crime in the State of Oregon, you are undoubtedly feeling a lot of anxiety.
A conviction could mean time in jail or prison, probation, and other repercussions that may affect you for
the rest of your life. The complexity of a serious criminal charge can be overwhelming, but like most problems
in life, it is one that can be overcome. Resolving your case starts by contacting a Portland criminal defense
lawyer who will work diligently to solve your problem.

Brett Hall is an experienced criminal defense lawyer in Portland who will aggressively fight to defend your
freedom. Every case is different and demands a customized approach. Brett Hall isn’t afraid to roll up his
sleeves, hit the street, and do the hard work it takes to defend each and every client. He will dive deep into
your case, take time to fully understand your story, and make sure you understand the process.

If you or a loved one been charged with a crime in Portland, contact Brett Hall for a free consultation.
Now is the time to make sure your legal rights are protected by a lawyer who cares about the final result.


Phone : (503) 946-9386
Website : https://www.bhall-law.com/
Google+ : https://www.google.com/maps?cid=7525083770350113888