Chicago, IL - Services Offered - Legal

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Posted: Mon Dec 23rd 2019

Law Office of David S. Morris, Tenant Lawyer

Business address:
333 S Wabash Ave # 2700
Chicago, IL
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David S. Morris
David S. Morris is a Landlord Tenant Lawyer who provides legal assistance to tenants in the Chicago Metro Area. He has been representing tenants since 1983. He began concentrating his practice in the representation of tenants after having prosecuted the case of Lawrence v. Regent Realty in the mid 1990's. That case ultimately resulted in a landmark Decision in the Illinois Supreme Court overruling a previous Appellate Court Decision that required proof of bad faith on the part of landlords as an element of any lawsuit against landlords. After Lawrence, the protections under the Chicago Residential Landlord and Tenant Ordinance became essentially strict liability, protecting tenants regardless of the alleged intentions of a landlord.
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