Scottsdale, Az - Employment Wanted - Consultant

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Posted: Mon Nov 27th 2023

Simply clean organic

Simply Clean Organics provides Scottsdale and surrounding area homeowners with organic carpet, upholstery, tile, grout, and rug cleaning services. Our silenced and muffled machines work hard to remove set-in stains, pollutants, dirt, grime, and mildew. We use powerful hurricane blowers to dry carpets and upholstery. Honest, thorough, and affordable service with a specially prepared microbial enzyme solution leaves carpets and upholstery sanitized and residual-free.

Simply Clean Organics provides Scottsdale and surrounding area homeowners with organic carpet, upholstery, tile, grout, and rug cleaning services. Our silenced and muffled machines work hard to remove set-in stains, pollutants, dirt, grime, and mildew. We use powerful hurricane blowers to dry carpets and upholstery. Honest, thorough, and affordable service with a specially prepared microbial enzyme solution leaves carpets and upholstery sanitized and residual-free.
Job Type:
Telecommute | Contract | Internship | Part Time | Full Time | Non Profit
Pay Range: dollar amounts in
0.00 to 0.00
Pay Type:
Hourly | Salary | Commission | Lump Sum | Other